Class Recap
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to the Berimbau
Overview of the berimbau as a traditional Capoeira musical instrument.
Importance in Capoeira roda (circle).
2. Parts of the Berimbau
- Cabaça
Pronunciation: [ka-bah-sah]
English: Resonating gourd.
Purpose: Acts as a resonator to amplify sound.
- Arame
Pronunciation: [ah-rah-meh]
English: Steel-string / Wire.
Purpose: Produces sound when struck by the baqueta.
- Verga
Pronunciation: [vehr-gah]
English: Bow or stick.
Purpose: Main frame of the berimbau.
- Dobrão
Pronunciation: [doh-brow-own]
English: Metal coin.
Purpose: Used to strike the arame for different tones.
- Baqueta
Pronunciation: [bah-keh-tah]
English: Stick or mallet.
Purpose: Strikes the arame to produce sound.
- Caxixi
Pronunciation: [ka-shee-shee]
English: Rattle.
Purpose: Accompanies the berimbau with rhythmic sounds.
3. Other Musical Instruments in Capoeira
- Atabaque
Pronunciation: [ah-tah-bah-keh]
English: Afro-Brazilian drum.
Purpose: Provides rhythm and melody in Capoeira music.
- Agogô:
Pronunciation: [ah-goh-goh]
English: Cowbell.
Purpose: Adds accent and timing to the music.
- Pandeiro:
Pronunciation: [pahn-day-roh]
English: Tambourine.
Purpose: Offers rhythmic support and variation.
- Reco-reco:
Pronunciation: [heh-koh heh-koh]
English: Guiro.
Purpose: Provides a scraping sound to enrich the music.
4. Structure of Berimbaus
- Gunga
Pronunciation: [goon-gah]
Purpose: The pitched berimbau sets the rhythm and style. Normally, the Gunga is held only by senior Capoeiristas such as Mestre, Contra Mestre & Professor.
Tip: This berimbau is special, and when you are at a Roda, avoid asking for holding and playing it. Instead, wait for the right moment when someone like a Mestre gives you the honour to play it in a roda.
This means you now know how to lead the roda by maintaining the environment and changing it if needed. By the time this happens, it also means that you can sing endless songs, giving the games more intention related to the actual songs from time to time. Your knowledge about Capoeira, in general, is advanced, and you are capable of Holding the roda.
- Médio
Pronunciation: [meh-dee-oh]
Purpose: Middle-pitched berimbau provides harmony by following the Gunga's rhythm and pace and introducing some light variations.
- Viola
Pronunciation: [vee-oh-lah]
Purpose: This is the highest-pitched berimbau, and its primary role is to create variations without losing the rhythm of the other two berimbaus.
5. Basic Portuguese phrases and simple words for Capoeira
Hello: Olá [oh-lah]
How are you?: Como vai? [koh-moh vah-ee?]
I love you: Eu te amo [eh-oo chee ah-moh]
My name is: Meu nome é [meh-oo noh-mee eh]
Ginga - Swing (jin-gah)
Roda - Circle (ho-dah)
Bateria - Orchestra (bah-teh-ree-ah)
Berimbau - Musical bow (beh-rim-bow)
Capoeirista - Capoeira practitioner (kah-po-eh-ree-stah)
Malícia - Cunning (mah-lee-see-ah)
Axé - Positive energy (ah-sheh)
Camaradagem - Comradeship (kah-mah-rah-dah-jehn)
Mandinga - Magic trick (man-jeen-gah)
Salve - Greeting (sahl-veh)
Maculelê - Stick fighting Warrior dance (mah-coo-leh-leh)
Mestre - Master (meh-streh)
Contra-mestre - Master’s right hand’ or second in charge. (kohn-trah meh-streh)
Corda - Rope (kor-dah)
Batida - Beat (bah-chee-dah)
Jogo - Game (zhoh-go)
Brincadeira - Playful act (breen-kah-deh-rah)
Additional Easy Day-to-Day Words in Portuguese
1. Thank you: Obrigado (male) / Obrigada (female)
Pronunciation: [oh-bree-gah-doo] / [oh-bree-gah-dah]
English: Thank you
2. Please: Por favor
Pronunciation: [pohr fah-vohr]
English: Please
3. Excuse me: Com licença
Pronunciation: [kohm lee-sen-sah]
English: Excuse me
4. Sorry: Desculpe
Pronunciation: [dehs-kool-peh]
English: Sorry
5. Good morning: Bom dia
Pronunciation: [bohm dee-ah]
English: Good morning
6. Good afternoon: Boa tarde
Pronunciation: [boh-ah tahr-deh]
English: Good afternoon
7. Good evening: Boa noite
Pronunciation: [boh-ah noy-tchee]
English: Good evening / Good night
8. Yes: Sim
Pronunciation: [seem]
English: Yes
9. No: Não
Pronunciation: [now]
English: No
10. I don't understand: Não entendo
Pronunciation: [now en-ten-doo]
English: I don't understand
11. Where is...?: Onde fica...?
Pronunciation: [ohn-dee fee-kah]
English: Where is...?
12. How much does it cost?: Quanto custa?
Pronunciation: [kwahn-too koosh-tah]
English: How much does it cost?
13. I'm hungry: Estou com fome
Pronunciation: [eh-stoh kohm foh-mee]
English: I'm hungry
14. I'm thirsty: Estou com sede
- Pronunciation: [eh-stoh kohm seh-dee]
- English: I'm thirsty
15. What time is it?: Que horas são?
- Pronunciation: [kee oh-rahs sah-oh]
- English: What time is it?
16. Goodbye: Adeus
Pronunciation: [ah-deh-oos]
English: Goodbye
17. See you later: Até logo
Pronunciation: [ah-teh loh-goo]
English: See you later
18. How are you?: Como vai você?
Pronunciation: [koh-moh vah-ee voh-sey]
English: How are you?
19. I love you: Eu te amo
Pronunciation: [eh-oo chee ah-moh]
English: I love you
20. My name is..: Meu nome é...
Pronunciation: [meh-oo noh-mee eh]
English: My name is...